Our New Fan Offerings
Together with our Fan Engagement Sponsor SAP we invite all our spectators onsite and on the screens
to participate live in the action at the Longines FEI Eventing European Championships Luhmuehlen 2019.
It’s worth joining in as each day you will have a chance to win a fantastic, unique “Star Board” signed
by our amazing athletes as well as tickets for the German Championships (CCI4*-S) und CCI5*L in Luhmuehlen 2020.
Here is how you can get engaged
For our dressage experts
Ever wanted to become a judge yourself? Now it’s your turn! Get into the judge’s seat and score the dressage tests in real-time and in the most convenient way. Decide for yourself whether you want to score each movement – just like the official judges do – or give an average mark for the overall performance in the end. Compare your result to the audience and the official judges in the app. The audience result will also be announced in the arena. We look forward to your marks.
Guess the jumping results
Which obstacles will be knocked the most, how many clear rounds can we expect, and who will win this competition? Now it’s your turn to let us know. We’ll keep you updated on the predictions of the audience, and you can check your results in in the app as well.
Download the Spectator Judging app
from your store now!

EquiRatings STACKS is a live strategy game that puts your knowledge to the ultimate test during the three phases of the competition beating the expert predictions. Your individual or team stack grows each time you choose the correct outcome - the highest stack of correct answers at the end of the competition after showjumping will be the winner.
But be careful – one wrong answer will knock your total stack down to Zero! So you might want to play strategically and consider skipping individual questions.
Download EquiRatings STACKS from your Store now
For the first time, we’ll also collect and display your Twitter and Instagram posts on our website
to create a colorful picture of the Equestrian community celebrating
and supporting the FEI Eventing European Championships Luhmühlen 2019.
Please use the following hashtags:
#luhmuehlen #LLHT #feiEuros2019
We look forward to your posts!
Luhmühlen and SAP – together with many riders and fans – are supporting Hannah’s Willberry Wonder Pony Charity. Willberry was the companion of young British Eventer Hannah Francis who sadly passed away from bone cancer in 2016. Prior to her death she founded this charity to support cancer research and fulfil last Equestrian wishes.
Activities include the option to donate online via the Spectator Judging app or via Stacks (watch out for the link in the headers). You can also post on Social Media – maybe even with your own Berry. When you use the hashtag @willberrywonderpony on Twitter or Instagram your posts will be shown on our Social Media Wall.
Many riders are wearing personalized Berry Ponies during cross-country as a visible sign of support. Should the winner of the Longines FEI Eventing European Championships Luhmühlen 2019 had worn a Berry Pony on the course, SAP will donate an additional 500 Euros to the charity. You can order your individual supporter pony at www.willberrywonderpony.org
We will raffle a unique Star Board amongst the most active Spectator Judges in Dressage and Showjumping on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, and one more amongst the fans who donated for the Willberry Wonder Pony Charity through the Apps. The player with the highest number of correct answers in Stacks will also be awarded a Star Board.
We keep our fingers crossed!
No chance to travel to Luhmühlen? Here’s the deal: Follow us online and join in with our spectator apps as if you were onsite – your voice will be heard and you keep your chances for winning one of our precious Star Boards.
Live Streams will be available here:
And finally, we have another special treat for You: On Saturday, August 31, some of our top riders will wear a sensor, and you will be able to follow their performance live during cross-country at sapeventing.live.
To get into the “Luehmuehlen Spirit” jump in the saddle with Ingrid Klimke and experience our beautiful “Westergellerser Heide watch video